Scientific Analysis of Factors Surrounding a Crash or Other Accident Event
Accident Reconstruction is the forensic science of determining how an accident occurred while assisting in the determination of the cause or why an accident or particular event during an accident happened using all available physical evidence. This evidence can be in the form of tire marks, gouges, vehicle parts, vehicle damage, surveillance video, electronic vehicle information, occupant and pedestrian injuries, witness testimony, etc. A collision reconstructionist takes all of the available evidence, like pieces in a puzzle, utilizes available tools and research, to put together the larger picture of the overall accident event.
Collision Research and Analysis, Inc. is a team of Research Engineers at the forefront of the field of Accident Reconstruction. With field experience that spans more than 5 decades, the engineers at Collision Research utilize a multi-disciplinary approach, in conjunction with some of the latest advances in research, equipment, and software to analyze and solve problems.
Our team of research engineers have analyzed and reconstructed thousands of automotive accidents, ranging from single-vehicle, low-speed impacts to the most complex incidents involving high speeds, multiple vehicles, and rollovers. We have reconstructed accidents involving passenger cars, light, medium, and heavy duty trucks, as well as buses, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. At Collision Research & Analysis, we are extremely efficient and capable of handling the most diverse and time-sensitive needs of our clients.