High Impact Visual Displays Using Physical 3D Models, Posters, Presentations and Computer Animations.
The presentation of material, for any level of case, is an integral part of being able to discuss and communicate findings to clients. At Collision Research and Analysis, Inc., various forms of media can be created to illustrate our analysis.
We are able to create detailed 3-dimensional models of accident scenes on which we can lay out an accident sequence; which is an ideal tool at trial for a jury to be able to see physically in 3-dimensions what happened during an accent sequence. We have the equipment and material to create full color trial exhibit poster boards to show our analysis and highlight important photographs, diagrams, and data charts as needed.
With the modernization of the courtroom, it has allowed us to create electronic presentations to be utilized alongside with the expert testimony at trial. Within the electronic presentations, everything that is produced in poster board format can be supplemented with animated effects to highlight images on the digital slides, as well as include video of testing, 3-dimensional animations, and timed data displayed alongside an animation or test sequence.
Additionally, when the need arises to show actual manufacturer components, we can arrange for full vehicles, vehicle sections, or components to be prepared for presentation at trial as well.