Samuel D. White

Research Engineer
Research Engineer specializing in transportation related accident reconstruction.
Research activities include vehicle crash testing and analysis, as well as testing of vehicle components including seats and door latches. Additional research includes survey and analysis of vehicles components and auto-pedestrian impacts.
Consulting activities include accident reconstruction, computer simulation of automobile, truck, bicycle and motorcycle collisions, and photogrammetric and event data recorder analysis.
SDW CV & Pub.pdf
(201.74 KB)
Research Engineer with the accident reconstruction firm, Collision Research and Analysis, Inc. from 2002 to present.
- Participated in the analysis, reconstruction, and preparation (including computer simulation and trial preparation) of over four hundred collisions.
- Participated in and analyzed full-scale automotive crash tests to evaluate the collision performance and related components.
- Participated in numerous tests to evaluate collision performance of safety related components including seats and door latch systems.
- Surveyed and analyzed vehicle components including seats, restraints, and fuel systems.
- Conducted occupant kinematics computer simulation relating to accident reconstruction and crash analysis.
- Conducted numerous inspections, documentation, and analysis of accident vehicles and accident scenes.
- Downloaded and analyzed numerous event data recorders.
Education And Seminars:
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering – University of California, Santa Barbara – 2001
- 2004 HVE Forum (Engineering Dynamics Corporation)
- 2005 Combined Claims Conference (Presenter)
- 2008 HVE Forum (Engineering Dynamics Corporation)
- 2008 Theoretical and Applied Vehicle Dynamics
- 2011 FARO authorized training (Laser Scanner)
- 2013 Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction
- 2015 Accessing and Interpreting Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders
- 2016 Joint Education Conference, Temecula, CA (Presenter)
- 2016 Vehicle Crash Reconstruction Methods
- 2018 PC Crash Live Training
- 2018 SAE World Congress / WCX 18 (Presenter)
- 2018 Reconstruction and Analysis of Motorcycle Crashes
- 2019 SAE World Congress / WCX 19 (Presenter)
- 2019 How Cars Work California MCLE (Presenter)
- Brown R, White S. Evaluation of Camry HS-CAN Pre-Crash Data. SAE 2012-01-0996, Society of Automotive Engineers, April 16, 2012.
- Viano, D.C., White S.D. Seat Strength in Rear Body Block Tests. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2015 Oct. 29.
- Viano D, White S. Theories, Facts and Issues About Recliner and Track Release of Front Seats in Rear Impacts. SAE 2018-01-1329, Society of Automotive Engineers, April 12, 2018.
- White S, Viano D, Burnett R. Seats Performance and Occupant Moving Out of the Shoulder Belt in ABTS (All-Belts-to-Seat) in Rear Impacts. SAE 2019-01-1031, Society of Automotive Engineers, April 2019.
- Viano D, Burnett R, White S. FRED II Quasistatic Seat Testing Rearward: An Improved Method Based on the SAE H-point Manikin. SAE 2019-01-1032, Society of Automotive Engineers, April 2019.
- Viano D, Parenteau, C, White S. Influence of DISH, Ankylosis, Spondylosis and Osteophytes on Serious-to-Fatal Spinal Fractures and Cord Injuries in Rear Imacts. SAE 2019-01-1028, Society of Automotive Engineers, April 2019.
Professional Affiliations
- Member of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
- Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Member of Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)